Support Us

There are lots of ways to help support our Fourth East community. The best way to support our Fourth East community is to support your student and provide good communication with their community coordinator. 

You can also provide support by supplying extra goodies for the hall, or putting on a virtual program for the hall. If you have an idea of something you'd like to do, please send me an email and we'll figure out the best way to make it work.

There are times where we may need materials to help supplement a program, and when those times arise we'll put up a wish list on this page detailing the types of items we would need to make that program happen. If there are other things you'd like to donate to the hall (e.g. decorations, plants, equipment, games) please feel free to reach out. 

Amazon Wish List:

Parents, if you wish to mail something to your student(s) directly, please email me first @ so that I can have a heads up and plan accordingly to make that process as smooth as possible. Also, I plan on regularly emailing parents to help send food for Hall Snacks or programs throughout the academic year. 

Finally, all of our funding for programming and other hall items comes from the NCSSM Foundation. If you'd like to make a monetary donation, giving to the Foundation helps provide funding for hall programming across campus as well as huge number of other student centered programs. You can donate to the NCSSM Foundation by using this link.

Below, you can sign up to provide snack for the hall. We aim to have hall snack every Tuesday during our hall meeting at 10:05pm!